Monday, September 13, 2010

TBD.COM-A New Site to Get the News You Want

A newly launched news-site was introduced in my class: TBD.COM

Unlike the Washington Post, TBD features only local news in the D.C. area. One thing I like about the site is that you can type in your zip code and get the local news that's near your home. I think I would be fascinated by this if I lived in the D.C. area.

However, I don't live in the D.C area. So why would I care about what happens in there over what happens in Indiana? Maybe I'll be interested in the scandal of Adrian Fenty, but what about the local news that won't ever affect my life?

Maybe I exaggerate the importance of the national news and the unimportance of the local news, but my point is, living in the days that there's so many stories going on everywhere, but we only have limited time to consume the news, I would pay more attention to stories that happen near where i live or my hometown rather than in D.C., and I believe I'm not the only one feeling this way.

Yet again, TBD.COM is fairly new and it's something that we have never seen before. It's too early to say if it will become a big hit or turn out to be nothing. We'll see!

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