Thursday, March 31, 2011

Photo Gallery: Mid-semester Mania Week at Purdue

Picture 1: Purdue Recreational Sports Center offers a wide range of fitness classes each semester. Because of the construction of the new recreational building, all the Group X classes of Spring 2011 are held in the north activity room of Harrison Hall.

Picture 2: Group X fitness classes are only opened to students who buy the Group X passes at the beginning of each semester. For students who didn’t buy the pass but still interested in joining, Group X has Mid-semester Mania from March 21 to March 27.

Picture 3: During this week of event, all the Group X classes are free for students with or without passes. “We definitely had more
students coming to our class last week during the mid-semester
mania,” says a student in the fitness class.

Picture 4: CSI is one of the new classes that are opened to students during the Mid-semester Mania Week. CSI stands for cardio, strength, and interval.

Picture 5: In each classes, the instructors will select the music that goes along with students’ motions and demonstrate the position for students to follow.

Picture 6: Before the exercise, the instructor will lead students to do some stretching. Regular stretch before class is essential to avoid sports injuries and reduce the possible muscle hurt.

Picture 7: In order to strengthen students’ muscle strength and endurance, CSI classes require a lot of push-ups as shown in the picture.

Picture 8: “CSI classes are very tiring and we are always heated up by the exercise so there will be a lot of sweats at the end,” says Ashley, a CSI upper-body class student.

Picture 9: The mirrors in the exercise room are helpful for students to make sure they are doing it right and to exercise the right muscles.

Picture 10: When the workout gets more difficult and students’ bodies get tired, it’s really important to focus to remain the right posture.

Picture 11: Being a CSI fitness class instructor is never easy. Michelle Whipple demonstrated throughout the whole class without showing she’s tired, and she kept students motivated when they got tired.

Picture 12: “Are you guys still with me?” says Michelle while she’s showing students the correct posture.

Picture 13: In order to increase muscle strength, kicking is always seen in CSI classes. Students might be tired at this point of time, but they still followed Michelle’s kick.

Picture 14: In the motivating and heated environment like the north activity room of Harrison Hall, students continued to maintain their runner’s launch and continued the workout for a healthier lifestyle.

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