Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reflections of News Arc Photo Gallery

News Arc: Purdue Students Raise Questions on School Budget was my seventh photo gallery. I wouldn't say this is my personal favorite because I love other photo galleries as much as loving this one, but the topic seems to fit my interest the most because it's "News Arc."

Taking camera and my recording device with me to the budget forum reminded me of last semester, when I went to a lot of events to cover their stories. However, I had to admit that I did not do as well this time. Considering how many news reporting I've done since last semester, I failed to check my camera batteries before I went. I was so confident that I had enough batteries because I just put the new batteries in a few days ago. However, I found myself completely wrong because I forgot to turn off the camera last time, and there was no batteries left at all.

I found myself stuck in the dilemma: Do I run back to get batteries or stay to document the whole forum from the beginning? I chose the later one, which explained why some of my photos did not have high quality.

I took a different approach to produce the photo gallery this time as well. Usually, I selected the photos I wanted to include in my photo gallery, and then I wrote the photo captions. However, I reversed the order this time. Since my purpose was to report what was happening on campus, I perceived myself as a newspaper writer. I wrote my article first, and when I was done with the writing, I chose the pictures that could enhance the content.

It's been a long time since last time I wrote a newspaper article, but the feelings all came back while I was brainstorming of how to tell my story. If you did not attend the forum last Wednesday but were able to grasp what was going on that night, then I think I fulfilled the duty of being a news reporter, at least in the most basic level.

My next photo gallery will be about the spring break that's coming up next week. It'll be very fun. I'm excited.

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